EDCI 337 2022 summer

Category: Assignment 2 – Blog Feedback

Week 4: Feedback on Judy’s post

Hey Judy,

Good Job on your poster this week! I love all the visuals as they effectively grab the eye of any viewers! I found your Post about salt really interesting and informative. I can also see a visual balance between the images and texts that are arranged with a pattern. Where it isn’t excessively extended that the student would get exhausted of understanding it! Good job! I can likewise see that you plainly followed Adobe’s 8 rule components of the plan, particularly with your variety and different decisions! The light blue and beige go entirely together, while not overwhelming each other. Thank you for sharing your post with us.

Week 2 Feedback-Meaghan’s post

Hi Meaghan,

I want to thank you for opening up to us about your personal experience with game-based learning and gamification.

While reading your post, I was able to understand the meaning of both game-based learning and gamification. Your experiences were able to lay out their differences perfectly. I commend you for your wonderful examples. I liked how you were also able to identify where you went wrong while trying to create a game-based learning experience for your classmates and fixed that error so that everyone could understand and be motivated to learn.

In addition, you were able to implement gamification into the most simple tasks at your workplace. Also, I found it intriguing that the way the children also behave either gave them points or took points away from them.

All in all, it was fantastic to read your blog, and I just want to say thank you again for sharing.

Week One-Feedback To Judy

Hi Judy, Thank you for sharing with us your idea, I think you magnificently gave instances of Mayer’s concept of utilizing intuitive learning styles (2009). Before reading your post I was not aware that google maps use “Augmented reality” in their application, so that was a first for me. In addition, I found it exceptionally fascinating how you related Mayer’s concept Of utilizing an intuitive learning style to something practically everyone uses; google maps. I likewise concur with you on how there is common availability. I found it intriguing that many people learn best with sight and sound realization. I think this is essential to the increased reality-as you referenced it permits all the more an involved and intuitive growth opportunity. Much thanks to you for sharing!

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